A. Work Flow 1. Revit & Family 1-1. Parametric Twisty-Tower 1-2. Parametric Diagrid Panel 2. Vasari Analysis 3. Dynamo script B. Detail Preview 1-1. Parametric Twisty-Tower New Conceptual Mass.rft > Mass.rft (Twisty_Tower Family Type.rfa) 1-2. Parametric Diagrid Panel New Conceptual Mass.rft > Mass.rft : Name it Profile_Mullion.rfa New > Curtain Panel Pattern Based.rft a. add onto the Romboid Pattern with Mullion Profile b. Setting Mullion Profile Parameter onto the family to control - not instance, but type : Name it Curtain-Panel_Single-Diagrid.rfa New> Curtain Panel Pattern Based.rft a. Romboid Pattern-make flat with reference line b. divide flat surface and set Romboid Pattern again & make it UV grid Parametric c. Load Curtain-Panel_Single-Diagrid, Change Romboid to Loaded one d. Setting UV value to 2,4 and Add Instance Parameter Name 'Insolation Value' with Num...