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Showing posts from January 18, 2015

Architecture Geometry | Design Script with Dyanmo

Flowchart of Twisted skyscraper Algorithm 1. Base Floor Edge Algorithm 2. Mass Algorithm 3. Mass Algorithm extension 4. Slab Outline Algorithm & Insert + Top Core Outline 5. Core Slab Outline Algorithm & Insert 6. Coulmn Algorithm & Insert 7. Curtain-Wall Base Line Algorithm & Insert 8. Beltwall Algorithm & Insert 9. Beam Center-Line Algorithm & Insert *Caution 1. dynamo ver. : 0.7.5 2. additional package : QuadsBySurface

List Management | Shift_shift-Indices of the list

1. Method to slove upper Question 2. Shift list with shifting twice

Kinetic Panel | MockUpPanel-Oculus_Randomization & Proportionality with Limited Value

1. MockUpPanel-Oculus_Randomization-Limited Value 2. MockUpPanel-Oculus_Proportionality-Limited Value Picture 1.  - Randomized values made by Dynamo Algorithm are adjusted on the flat panel - There are two ways to make Randomized values Picture 2. - Set the Base point - By the distance from the Base point to the panel, the proportion of total panel and void part will be determined

Kinetic Panel | MockUpPanel-Oculus_Randomization

MockUpPanel-Oculus_Randomization By adjusting the Randomized 'offset' value of the family [CurtainPanel_OculusTriangle], Whole facade pattern can be different by each running [F5]

Kinetic Panel | OculusTriangle

OculusTriangle - Using [3pt-Bezier-Curve] <Order> 1. Open Family 'Curtain Panel Pattern Based' 2. Change the pattern 'Rectangle' > 'Triangle(flat)' 3. Draw the lines from the each of the points to mid points onto opposite side line 4. Change into reference line 5. Setting Normalized Curve Parameter on the reference line 6. Upload the [3pt-Bezier-Curve] on the project, and draw the spline along the Points that already be applied on normalized curve parameter 7. Repeat 3 times 8. Setting the values and formulas, as showen on the 'Family Type' *Caution 1. The choosing order of the Normalized Curve Parameter Points should be followed by the family '3pt-Bezier-Curve' 2. When selecting the curve, be careful with only choosing the model line 3. Turn off the visible check of [3pt-Bezier-Curve] > When turning on, on the project model will show the model line of the family

Adaptive Spline | 3pt-Bezier-Curve

3pt-Bezier-Curve Normalized Curve Parameter : 0.5, 0.25, 0.125

Adaptive Spline | Bezier-ish by Points

Bezier-ish by points & Way better Bezier-ish by Points Spline Type 3 Revit/Vasari has a couple kinds of splines, regular spline (A) and spline-by-points (B). You’d think they were pretty similar, but you’d be wrong. I’d like to show an alternative to these 2 curve types, (C), a point hosted control polygon based curve. Regular Spline, sometimes called a b-spline, has a control polygon and a weighted “attraction” to the placement points while Spline-by-points passes precisely through it’s placement points. Perhaps more important, the Spline-by-points is much easier to associate with other geometry, flexing and stretching with it’s host in a way that is not possible with the regular spline tool, and it is also a 3 dimensional curve that is not restricted to one plane. So what can you do if you want the weighted polygon behavior but want to keep the associations between the curve and a host? As previously discussed, Revit/Vasari has a couple kinds of splines (regular ...

Kinetic Panel Folding | Sliding_Panel

1. Rectangle Panel & Its Parameter Setting 2. Sliding Panel [3D-View, Floor, South-View ] 3. Sliding Panel Family Type 4. Slope Calcultion * What is picture saying? Picture 1 is showing you the Panel that will be sliding on the grid Picture 2 is the Sliding Panel that is already adapted on the rectangle Pattern grid Picture 3 is the Family type of the Sliding Panel. and there are lots of parameter of the table. Picture 4 is the method how we can measure the slope angle to allocate the Rotation_Angle,(2) In Picture 3 With changing the offset value, It can appear the Z axis dimension between two panel in one grid. also, changing H2 & W2 value can present the proportion of the occupacy on one grid. and Point Position will tell you the location where is the center of the rectangle grid.

Kinetic Panel Folding | MockPanel_Umbrella

* Keyword String : Rotation_AngleN Extracting the Instance Parameter in Dynamo and Using Number slider can make the family into dynamic feature. Always be careful the wrinting the exact word of parameter

Kinetic Panel Folding | Umbrella_Curtain-Panel

Umbrella_Curtain-Panel : Using [Adaptive-Panel_Rotating-Correct-Version].rfa 1. Open 'Curtain Panel Pattern Based' 2. Create Form with 'Reference Line' on the center of the grid 3. Make flat form that do not have any extrusion offset 4. Divide surface with U-Grid : 2, V-Grid : 2 5. Surface Representation > Display Properties > Check 'Nodes' 6. Apply 'Adaptive-Panel_Rotation-Correct-Version.rfa' at each surface end points In Property dialog Box, the variables are setting with instance parameter, you can change the value with editting the Rotation angle of 'Adaptive-Panel_Rotation-Correct-Version.rfa' Family

Kinetic Panel Folding | Rotating Panel

Family_Double-Folding Panel & Detail Family Formula (Using [Length of Angle Bisector]) * Caution 1. Analysis Result , Number – (b / 1') * (c / 1') : Drop the Number value to Foot Unit!! (This Method is used for Error messege “Inconsistent Unit”) 2. Analytical Alignment 3. Bisection Formula :  Syntax for Formulas Formulas support the following arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, logarithms, and square roots. Formulas also support the following trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine, arccosine, and arctangent. The valid formula abbreviations for arithmetic operations and trigonometric functions are Addition + Subtraction - Multiplication * Division / Exponentiation ^: x^y, x raised to the power of y Logarithm Log Square root sqrt Sine sin Cosine cos Tangent tan Arcsine asin Arccosine acos Arctangent atan e raised to an x power exp Absolut...

Kinetic Panel Folding | Twisting Panel

Rotation Angle : Parameter * Caution : Careful when putting the Angle Value on the Family Type Dialog Box, Do not over 90 degree.      Soma’s “One Ocean” pavilion in South Korea for the EXPO 2012 is now finished. The kinetic facade is made up of 108 fiberglass lamellas that open and close. The actuator of the lamellas is a screw spindle driven by a servomotor. A computer controlled bus-system allows the synchronization of the actuators. Each lamella can be addressed individually within a specific logic of movement to show different choreographies and operation modes. Pictured is a lamella mock-up. From soma: General Information  -The Thematic Pavilion is a major and permanent building for the Expo 2012 in Yeosu, South-Korea. soma’s design proposal was selected as the first prize winner in an open international architecture competition. The main design intent was to embody the Expo’s theme “The Living Ocean and Coast” and transform it into a multi-layered a...

Kinetic Panel Folding | Double Folding Panel in Grid

Adaptive 4pt based component on Plane Grid Folding Panel would be not one, but two. this is just advanced version of folding panel. Placing on Plane Surface & Animation with Dynamo (Number Slider = Percentage of Occupacy) Family_Double-Folding Panel & Detail Family Formula (Using [Pythagorean theorem])                  Dynamic Façades and Productivity It is proven that thermal and visual comfort has a beneficial effect on the occupants' well-being. Working or living in a pleasant, healthy environment is no longer perceived as luxury, it's good business. It translates into improved efficiency and productivity. The two best ways to achieve these benefits are: comfortable and consistent indoor temperatures continuous glare control Integrated Façades Glazing and façade systems have very large impacts on all aspects of commercial building performance. They directly influence peak heatin...