OculusTriangle -Using [3pt-Bezier-Curve]
1. Open Family 'Curtain Panel Pattern Based'
2. Change the pattern 'Rectangle' > 'Triangle(flat)'
3. Draw the lines from the each of the points to mid points onto opposite side line
4. Change into reference line
5. Setting Normalized Curve Parameter on the reference line
6. Upload the [3pt-Bezier-Curve] on the project, and draw the spline along the Points that already be applied on normalized curve parameter
7. Repeat 3 times
8. Setting the values and formulas, as showen on the 'Family Type'
1. The choosing order of the Normalized Curve Parameter Points should be followed by the family '3pt-Bezier-Curve'
2. When selecting the curve, be careful with only choosing the model line
3. Turn off the visible check of [3pt-Bezier-Curve] > When turning on, on the project model will show the model line of the family