Schedules on Sheets
This node will query all schedules in your project and create two lists. One list will contain all schedules that are currently placed on sheet(s) and one list with schedules that have not yet been placed on sheet(s). Keep in mind that Revision Table built into a Titleblock is really a schedule and will display on the list of schedules on sheets. It might even create more than one instance of such.
Schedule Appearance
This node allows you to modify schedule appearance settings. Due to my limited Revit API knowledge for now you can only override Title, Header and Body Text type by feeding it an id of a Text Type that you want to use. Use, Get Text Note Type by Name from the archi-lab package to get the appropriate text style.
Schedule Formatting
This node will allow you to control schedule formatting. Just like in the Revit UI you can control some basic visibility settings per parameter (column) in a schedule. Parameter inputs are:
Schedule – this is a ViewSchedule that you want to control.
Parameter Name – For this input you have to specify a name or names of parameters. Remember that each parameter represents a column in a schedule. You can supply either a list of parameter names like in the larger Code Block below, or a single parameter name (smaller code block). If you feed it a list, then make sure that all other inputs are lists of matching length.
Column Heading – this sets the text visible in the schedule. By default every column heading is a name of the parameter. This input will override that.
Hidden – this input accepts a Boolean (true/false) as its input and if set to True will hide the entire column from schedule.
Heading Orientation – This parameter accepts only “Vertical” or “Horizontal” as its inputs. It will make the heading either vertical or horizontal.
Horizontal Align – This input can be set to one of the three options: “Left”, “Center” or “Right”. It will justify text to either of this locations.
Column Width – This input will set the Sheet Column Width for the schedule. That means that value specified is in feet and has no scale.When 0.5 (6″) is supplied the column width will be exactly 6″ in paper space. In the example below 0.16 represents ~48.8mm of paper space width.
Schedule Title Appearance
This node will override the appearance of the Title section of the schedule. Please see above for the things that can be controlled and how to set them.
Cell Style Settings
This node creates a Cell Style Settings that can be used to override visual appearance of cells in a schedule. For now I was only able to override a Title Cell (see below), but there might be more possibilities. Inputs are:
Background Color – it requires an input of a DS Color object so fastest way is to use a Code Block and DSCore.Color.ByARGB(1,0,0,0)code.
Bold – Boolean input (true/false) that when set to True will make the text bold.
Font – Feed a name of the available font ex. Arial, and it will set the cell font to that style.
Font Color – another color input. Please see above.
Font Size – ha! I am not sure about this one…I will have to verify this but i think its 1-16 range of sizes.
Italics – Boolean input. See above.
Underline – Boolean input. See above.
Orientation – This particular setting has not been tested extensively so use with caution. TextOrientation Property The orientation of the cell (for vertical/horizontal text) with input in degrees multiplied by 10. This was the official Revit SDK explanation. Use at your own risk and let me know if it doesn’t work.
Horizontal Align – This can be set to either “Left”, “Center” or “Right”.
Vertical Align – This can be set to either “Top”, “Middle” or “Bottom”.
Header Text – this parameter probably shouldn’t be here, but it controls the Title text. See below for Schedule Title overrides.
Schedule Sorting/Grouping
This node controls schedule grouping. Just like in the regular Revit UI, you can only set 3 sorting and grouping parameters (Revit 2014). Please see the example below for setting one sorting parameter (smaller Code Block) and multiple parameters (larger Code Block)I believe that in Revit 2015 you can use more, but I haven’t tested this on 2015 yet. I don’t know why, I am still in 2014 which makes no sense since Autodesk is on subscription so everyone has updated to newer version of Revit. I think its time to move on. Inputs are:
Schedule – this is a ViewSchedule that you want to control.
Parameter Name – For this input you have to specify a name or names of parameters. Remember that each parameter represents a column in a schedule. You can supply either a list of parameter names like in the larger Code Block below, or a single parameter name (smaller code block). If you feed it a list, then make sure that all other inputs are lists of matching length.
Blank Line – Boolean input (true/false) that when set to True will add a blank line after the group.
Footer Count – Boolean input (true/false) that when set to True will make the count appear at footer.
Footer Title – Boolean input (true/false) that when set to True will make the footer title appear.
Header – Boolean input (true/false) that when set to True will make the header appear.
Sort Order – This can be set to either “Ascending” or “Descending”.
Key Schedule
Now this node WILL NOT CREATE a Key Schedule. This node will take a key schedule created in Revit and add rows based on number of data points in the Data input. It will then take the data supplied and fill in the parameters for each row. If you know how KeySchedules operate under the hood in Revit then you know that each row of in a key schedule is an element in Revit DB (like a family). Each element then has as many parameters assigned to it as there is parameters (columns) in the schedule. Each key schedule comes standard with a Key Name parameter already loaded and added to every new row. that’s the first data point in all of my sublists. Each sublist holds as many items as there are total parameters (columns). Keep that formatting going and you will be fine.
This node will query all schedules in your project and create two lists. One list will contain all schedules that are currently placed on sheet(s) and one list with schedules that have not yet been placed on sheet(s). Keep in mind that Revision Table built into a Titleblock is really a schedule and will display on the list of schedules on sheets. It might even create more than one instance of such.
Schedule Appearance
This node allows you to modify schedule appearance settings. Due to my limited Revit API knowledge for now you can only override Title, Header and Body Text type by feeding it an id of a Text Type that you want to use. Use, Get Text Note Type by Name from the archi-lab package to get the appropriate text style.
This node will allow you to control schedule formatting. Just like in the Revit UI you can control some basic visibility settings per parameter (column) in a schedule. Parameter inputs are:
Schedule – this is a ViewSchedule that you want to control.
Parameter Name – For this input you have to specify a name or names of parameters. Remember that each parameter represents a column in a schedule. You can supply either a list of parameter names like in the larger Code Block below, or a single parameter name (smaller code block). If you feed it a list, then make sure that all other inputs are lists of matching length.
Column Heading – this sets the text visible in the schedule. By default every column heading is a name of the parameter. This input will override that.
Hidden – this input accepts a Boolean (true/false) as its input and if set to True will hide the entire column from schedule.
Heading Orientation – This parameter accepts only “Vertical” or “Horizontal” as its inputs. It will make the heading either vertical or horizontal.
Horizontal Align – This input can be set to one of the three options: “Left”, “Center” or “Right”. It will justify text to either of this locations.
Column Width – This input will set the Sheet Column Width for the schedule. That means that value specified is in feet and has no scale.When 0.5 (6″) is supplied the column width will be exactly 6″ in paper space. In the example below 0.16 represents ~48.8mm of paper space width.
This node will override the appearance of the Title section of the schedule. Please see above for the things that can be controlled and how to set them.
This node creates a Cell Style Settings that can be used to override visual appearance of cells in a schedule. For now I was only able to override a Title Cell (see below), but there might be more possibilities. Inputs are:
Background Color – it requires an input of a DS Color object so fastest way is to use a Code Block and DSCore.Color.ByARGB(1,0,0,0)code.
Bold – Boolean input (true/false) that when set to True will make the text bold.
Font – Feed a name of the available font ex. Arial, and it will set the cell font to that style.
Font Color – another color input. Please see above.
Font Size – ha! I am not sure about this one…I will have to verify this but i think its 1-16 range of sizes.
Italics – Boolean input. See above.
Underline – Boolean input. See above.
Orientation – This particular setting has not been tested extensively so use with caution. TextOrientation Property The orientation of the cell (for vertical/horizontal text) with input in degrees multiplied by 10. This was the official Revit SDK explanation. Use at your own risk and let me know if it doesn’t work.
Horizontal Align – This can be set to either “Left”, “Center” or “Right”.
Vertical Align – This can be set to either “Top”, “Middle” or “Bottom”.
Header Text – this parameter probably shouldn’t be here, but it controls the Title text. See below for Schedule Title overrides.
This node controls schedule grouping. Just like in the regular Revit UI, you can only set 3 sorting and grouping parameters (Revit 2014). Please see the example below for setting one sorting parameter (smaller Code Block) and multiple parameters (larger Code Block)I believe that in Revit 2015 you can use more, but I haven’t tested this on 2015 yet. I don’t know why, I am still in 2014 which makes no sense since Autodesk is on subscription so everyone has updated to newer version of Revit. I think its time to move on. Inputs are:
Schedule – this is a ViewSchedule that you want to control.
Parameter Name – For this input you have to specify a name or names of parameters. Remember that each parameter represents a column in a schedule. You can supply either a list of parameter names like in the larger Code Block below, or a single parameter name (smaller code block). If you feed it a list, then make sure that all other inputs are lists of matching length.
Blank Line – Boolean input (true/false) that when set to True will add a blank line after the group.
Footer Count – Boolean input (true/false) that when set to True will make the count appear at footer.
Footer Title – Boolean input (true/false) that when set to True will make the footer title appear.
Header – Boolean input (true/false) that when set to True will make the header appear.
Sort Order – This can be set to either “Ascending” or “Descending”.
Now this node WILL NOT CREATE a Key Schedule. This node will take a key schedule created in Revit and add rows based on number of data points in the Data input. It will then take the data supplied and fill in the parameters for each row. If you know how KeySchedules operate under the hood in Revit then you know that each row of in a key schedule is an element in Revit DB (like a family). Each element then has as many parameters assigned to it as there is parameters (columns) in the schedule. Each key schedule comes standard with a Key Name parameter already loaded and added to every new row. that’s the first data point in all of my sublists. Each sublist holds as many items as there are total parameters (columns). Keep that formatting going and you will be fine.